Spell checker

A spell checker is currently available for a number of free open source products, including OpenOffice, Mozilla Thunderbird, and Mozilla Firefox as well as Google Chrome.

Note: In the above applications, it is possible that correct words ending with an apostrophe, are not recognized as such.


OpenOffice is an office application, available on openoffice.org.

After you have installed Open Office, you can download the following extension and add by a click:

Persian 2nd Alphabet Spell Checker Dictionary

Note: Since OpenOffice currently permits only the official script for the Persian language, written from right to left, you have to change the language setting of the spell checker in Esperanto.

Using Tools > Language, you can choose the language of the spell checker for the whole document, a marked section or a paragraph.

For more information about Open Office visit wiki.openoffice.org/wiki/Documentation.

Regarding especially the topic spell checker, the pages 59 and 80 of the Writer Guide are recommended.

Google Chrome

Google Chrome is a web browser available on google.com/intl/en/chrome/browser/.

After you have installed and started Google Chrome you can integrate the spell checker.

Integrating the spell checker in Google Chrome is not as clean as in Firefox but it works. (It shows up as Polish dictionary). In order to install it you have to perform the following steps:

  1. Select Polish as spell checker in Google Chrome. Then close Google Chrome.
  2. Download pl-PL-3-0.zip and extract pl-PL-3-0.bdic.
  3. Replace pl-PL-3-0.bdic from “%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application\Dictionaries\” by the file from step 2.

Note: Maybe you need to rename the file from step 2 to the name of the Polish dictionary of Google Chrome (step 3).

When you open Google Chrome again you can select Polish as spell checker (which actually is the Alefbā-ye 2om spell checker version 1.0.2).